Vordio 5.1 Release

Vordio 5.1 is available for download. This is a free update to all 5.x users.

NOTE: If you are still using 4.x, please read this post about upgrades to 5.x and finding the latest version of 4.x.

This release addresses the reconform function with some bug fixes and enhancements.

NOTE: A tutorial video on using reconform is coming soon. The current documentation is out of date. In the meantime, you can ask me for advice if you need it.


* Crash on audio items that were dynamically generated, rather than from source file media. i.e. Bars & Tone.

* Items in the project bay were being altered by mistake. These are now ignored.


* Master track automation is now moved, along with item & track automation.

* Option to turn color coded changes on/off.

* Option to turn edge-edit detection on/off.