Remote Workflow
A license is only needed to generate the full timeline (longer than 3 minutes) at the sound editor’s end. There is no restriction on media collection at the NLE end.
Steps 1 & 2 at the NLE side (no license installed)
1. A client can use the free version to pack up media (but RPP will be incomplete if longer than 3 mins). They should check nothing is left in queue as that means those items were offline.
2. They can zip up the folder (zip reduces the upload to about 60% size) to send you PLUS the XML.
Steps 3, 4 & 5 at the REAPER side (with license installed)
3. You unzip the media folder at your end.
4. Put the XML next to the media folder.
5. Run Vordio again with your license on the XML to re-generate the RPP again. Vordio should now recognise the media is in the folder next to the XML and link that that.
You should now have a new RPP that is complete and links.