Vordio 6.10 Release

Vordio 6.10 has a number of important fixes and improvments. Download Vordio 6.10.

Media Collection

  • More flexible media collection options.
  • Support for multiple media search paths rather than only a single path.

AAF format (.aaf)

  • Fix for AIFC embedded media. Now generates AIF file rather than attempt to generate a WAV.
  • Support for mulitchannel AAFs that use MXF media.
  • Removed previous AAF engine and options as now obsolete. New engine is much better and now mature enough.
  • Fixed rendered fade replacement feature. It wasn’t catching all rendered fades.
  • Fixed failure when multichannel item has no embedded essence or external media locators and shows warning
  • Fixed failure when media has an essence group rather than singular essence.

Hindenburg PRO format (.nhsx)

  • Fixed typos in the UI.